What exactly are we debating about?

Possible solutions to an unplanned pregnancy.

Lenght: 2 x 45 min.

Young people, despite practicing „safe sex“ sometimes find themselves in unexpected pregnancy.

  • In the first part students are asked to split into 2 groups, depending on what they think they would do in such a situation. They are then given 5 minutes to prepare good and rational arguments, to not only defend their position, but also to try to convince the opposing group.

We focus the debate on two probable solutions in this scenario: abortion or becoming a parent (or adoption). We also talk through effects that both of the options might have on the mother, father and the developing child.

The debate is followed by presentation about the prenatal development (we use our educational card game ‚Invisible human‘) and abortion.

Pornography and its effect on our intimacy

Lenght: 2 x 45 min.

  • When did you come across pornography for the first time?
  • Is porn affecting you? How?
  • Do we prefer to be ends or means in the context of intimate relationship?
  • What is happening behind the scenes of porn industry?
  • What exactly is porn industry after?

In the first part, we are looking for answers for these questions.

In the second part we view testimonies of either ex addicts to porn, or people previously working in this industry.

About marriage and its role in our society

Pre koho: 1. – 4. ročník strednej školy

Lenght: 2 x 45 min.

  • Is it worthy to get married?
  • Would we tell the truth, if we were unfaithful?
  • Do we know what kind of relationship we love to have?

The debates starts with a few provocative statements, such as: „marriage is just a piece of paper“, or „more sexual experiences lead to more satisfying sex life“. Students are asked to think about the statements and split into 2 groups, depending, if they agree, or disagree.

The two groups are then encouraged to convince each-other.
The debate is followed by presentation, which portrays marriage as the best and most stable form of relationship and environment for bringing up children.
We will also read inspiring real stories of people, who currently live, or had lived in marriage and overcame some difficult crisis in their relationship.

How do we dabate?

Each debate is split into 2 parts:

1. Debate

should provoke students into critical thinking and discerning ideologies that might have affected them.

The debates should also teach students to convincingly and effectively communicate their views:

Why do I think what I think?
How did I come to my conclusion?
Can I defend it?
If my view is valuable, can I convince people around me?

The debates are mostly lead by students. The tutor only directs them so the key points are asked or answered.

2. Presentation

concludes the key points that were discussed during the debate.

Why do we debate?

  • so the students feel better equipped to talk about their views on important issues, even if they face opposing views
  • we are trying to uphold marriage as the best and most stable form of relationship and environment for bringing up children.
  • we are trying to show students that pornography has a devastating effects on ones intimacy and his/hers relationships (present or future).
  • we are revealing what exactly is an unborn child and why does our society denies it the most basic human right: right for life.

What do we avoid?

We avoid having spiritual or religious polemics.
We do so NOT because the spiritual aspects are not important or relevant, but because we believe that students parents / spiritual leaders (if any) should have the main influence.