Online bank transfer:
You can donate by sending your money directly into our account:
IBAN: SK56 0900 0000 0051 6919 5440
Account name: Tlakový hrniec, n.o.
Alternatively please use the form bellow.

Help us to film even more
For a long time we were considering, if our movie should be view for free, or for a small fee. Our desire is, that the movie touches and helps as many people as possible, so eventually we decided to make it accessible for free. However we hope, that those liking our work will support us. We plan to film even more interviews about marriage crises, and with professionals working with relationship crises such as psychologists, therapists, mediators, pastors etc.
This project only exists thanks to the public donations.
The more support we gain, the more stories/interviews we can publish
Please donate.